President's Welcome Message

The Griffin Daybreak Rotary Club is a breakfast club that was created on May 7, 1997.It was founded by a group of individuals, who felt Rotary was very important in our community, but were unable to meet during their lunch hour.Our club currently has 25 active members in all walks of life.We gather on a weekly basis for great programs and fellowship. On the second week of each month, we participate in either a club social or give back to our community through a service project.

The Four-Way Test is our guide to all we do:

  • Is it the Truth?
  • Is it Fair to all concerned?
  • Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
  • Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

While we may be small in size, we are committed to making a difference in our community.Each Rotary club has a common goal to DO GOOD in the community and the world. Our theme this year is “Rotary, Making a Difference”.I want to be a part of that difference.Don’t you?

Jackie M. Wilson

Griffin Daybreak Rotary President 2017/18

Griffin Daybreak Rotary Blog

Stories about Rotary as told by our membership.


GREAT NEWS! We secured more HoF Table Space for the District Conference on No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane! Some of your potential neighbors include: RC Dunwoody, RC Thomasville, RC Griffin … [more]

Posted by Raymond Ray, Jr.
Rotary Club of Griffin Daybreak
April 10, 2022

Exhibiting Service Above Self

I am a Charter Member of the Griffin Daybreak Rotary Club. My reason for joining Rotary was because of the many worthwhile projects they are involved in. They make an impact, not just in our community but throughout the world. It is so exciting to work with people that want to make a difference. Rotary has also brought me many new … [more]

Posted by Bonnie Pfrogner
Rotary Club of Griffin Daybreak
January 26, 2017 5:00pm


Growing up my Father, Uncle, just about all their friends, and anyone of importance, anyone who made things happen in Griffin and the surrounding area were Rotarians. It was what you did. Back in the day, coat & tie was pretty much the dress code, along with the Rotary pin worn on the left lapel. The Rotary pin was as recognizable as Coke … [more]

Posted by Gerry Bilbro
Rotary Club of Griffin Daybreak
December 14, 2016 4:00pm

Service Above Self

Rotary has been a significant part of our lives for the last 20 years. My husband, William became a Rotarian in 1996 and served as President of his club for the 2005/2006 Rotary year. That involvement provided the opportunity to experience many Rotary functions with William, including several District Conferences. We also had the unique pleasure … [more]

Posted by Jackie Wilson
Rotary Club of Griffin Daybreak
December 9, 2016 2:28pm
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