Exhibiting Service Above Self

I am a Charter Member of the Griffin Daybreak Rotary Club. My reason for joining Rotary was because of the many worthwhile projects they are involved in. They make an impact, not just in our community but throughout the world. It is so exciting to work with people that want to make a difference. Rotary has also brought me many new friendships and business contacts. I think the Four-Way Test states it best: Is it the Truth? Is it Fair to all concerned? Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships? And Will it be Beneficial to all concerned? These four statements are what has kept me in Rotary, because Rotarians don’t just say something, they take action and I am proud of the commitments made by Rotary. Exhibiting Service Above Self by the members is what we all should be doing and it is something I believe in. That is why I continue to be a member of Daybreak Rotary.

Posted by Bonnie Pfrogner
January 26, 2017 5:00pm
