I Love Our Motto!!
Service Above Self

Rotary has been a significant part of our lives for the last 20 years. My husband, William became a Rotarian in 1996 and served as President of his club for the 2005/2006 Rotary year. That involvement provided the opportunity to experience many Rotary functions with William, including several District Conferences. We also had the unique pleasure to participate in the 2005 International Conference in Chicago, which included Rotary’s Centennial celebration.

I was honored to join the Griffin Daybreak Club in March, 2015. Since induction, I’ve tried to give back to the organization that gives so much to others and to always remember the 4-way test in all that I say and do. I love our motto “Service above Self” because that is truly what Rotary is all about.I am proud to call myself a Rotarian.

Posted by Jackie Wilson
December 9, 2016 2:28pm
