Growing up my Father, Uncle, just about all their friends, and anyone of importance, anyone who made things happen in Griffin and the surrounding area were Rotarians. It was what you did. Back in the day, coat & tie was pretty much the dress code, along with the Rotary pin worn on the left lapel. The Rotary pin was as recognizable as Coke’s round, red logo. Rotary was also a family thing, if your Dad or Granddad was a Rotarian, at some point you likely would be a Rotarian as well. One doesn’t have to look far to find a number of three, four, or even five generation Rotarians, legacies.

Yet with that past, Rotary is, should be, a personal endeavor. It’s not only legacy and tradition, it is something you do because you want to, whatever your reason, be it giving back, helping others, making new friends, or just “Service Above Self”. Additionally, it is tremendous opportunity for personal growth. Without taking ourselves too seriously, think of all the positives Rotary does, not only in the World, but locally as well. Yet and still, there’s more to do. Will we accept the challenge?

Yours in Rotary Service.

Posted by Gerry Bilbro
December 14, 2016 4:00pm
