Two options to support disaster response for recent tornado in Kentucky and Tennessee

We have information on how to contribute to the disaster response in two areas.  See below for pertinent excepts from emails I have received.

Our little town of Dresden, pop. 3500, was hit by a massive tornado Friday night. Over 100 buildings and homes were severely damaged or destroyed. Our Dresden Rotary Club has established a Tornado Relief Fund to help with the response in our area. Any support would be most appreciated. We will use these funds to meet the needs of our community as they arise, as our club has for the past 75 years. Your clubs may contribute through Venmo to @DresdenRotaryTornadoReliefFund, or GoFundMe at https://gofund.me/327cecf5. Checks may be mailed to: Dresden Rotary Club Tornado Relief Fund P.O. Box 652 Dresden, TN 38225

And the 2nd option represented with this picture and note.

Friends, we cannot thank you all enough for your kindness and support. Your generosity will not go unnoticed. Please see the graphic below for donation details. We are able to provide tax receipts for anyone interested. Please send our love and thanks back to your district and clubs and know that we are eternally grateful.

Posted by Mary Ligon
December 17, 2021


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